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Take the “manual” out of your business processes

Business is complex. Balancing the needs of vendors, external customers, internal customers, regulatory requirements etc. is like a fine tuned orchestra. Best practices in document/information intensive areas can lead to significant savings, better cash management and cash flow, and improved overall employee and customer satisfaction. The RH Rosen Group’s focus on process improvements and information management can be of practical benefit to medium and large companies in the areas of:

  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivables
  • Document Management
  • Mailing/Shipping operations

Why are the accounts receivables and accounts payables functions so complicated? Unfortunately paper based systems, or systems which do not talk to each other make staff work much more difficult than it needs to be.

Document management is all about bringing together related documents into one integrated system. This can be overlaid with automated workflows designed to minimize operator intervention and enforce best practices throughout the organization. We create specific tailored solutions to solve business problems including: Accounts Payables, Accounts Receivables and general Document Management.

In general, these applications increase employee productivity and satisfaction, improve cash flow and enable better customer and vendor relationships.